48 Examples of Petty Revenge That Show Why You Should Not Be A Jerk To Others
Not all harmful acts are punishable by imprisonment. Sometimes, a bad thing is trivial and may even be forgotten. However, we humans are avenging creatures...
Not all harmful acts are punishable by imprisonment. Sometimes, a bad thing is trivial and may even be forgotten. However, we humans are avenging creatures...
[tps_header] We can all only aspire to be this petty.
It’s often said that mama bears should be avoided at all costs if their young are messed with, but one Pennsylvania man has just proved...
[tps_header] Even something as little as making fun of the way a person talks can ruin their day and even though the act is not...
[tps_header] “Can’t figure out what’s more shady…the eclipse or my ex.”