10+ Petty Revenge Stories That Show Why You Should Never Be An A-hole To Other People


A while ago my email address was added to a mailing list for a church group located in the southern USA. It was a Gmail address and I naturally assume it was added in error.

I deleted the first few messages as there were not many. After a week or so the volume of email started to increase a lot as there events being organised and everyone was responding with reply all.

First off I sent an email to he address that seemed to belong to the organiser, the one who was initiating the email chains.

“hi, I am not part of your group. Please remove me from this email distribution list.”

No response.

Over the next couple of days, as each new message arrives, I send another one.

No response.

So far I have only been sending to the leader.

Next day I send a reply all. (they are not sending the messages BCC, so I can see all the addresses)

Again, I am ignored. I try again, no response.

I am now receiving 10-20 of this crap a day. So I take the nuclear option.

As each message arrives, I reply all with porn images.

“since you won’t remove me from the list here is my imput”

I start mild and crank it up. Stuff that makes gaotse look like a gentleman boner post.

I recieve outraged replies about this being a Christian Church group, I reply with something worse.

“I asked nicely for weeks to be removed and was ignored. So here is another fine picture for you. ”

The email list disappeared from my inbox within 24 hours. -Pons__Aelius


My HOA in KC MO bylaws stated that residents could only paint a house 7 colors, they provided the list. My next door neighbor painted her house a color not on HOA list. After a bitter court fight my neighbor lost. She was ordered by the court to repaint the house according to bylaws within 60 days. So my clever 75yro neighbor painted her house ALL SEVEN COLORS on the HOA approved list. With in 3 days HOA filed suite again – The court ruled in her favor stating she was in compliance with bylaw rules. The bylaws never stated that only one of the colors could be used. The HOA appealed not only dis she win, the HOA was ordered to pay her damages in the cost of painting and legal fees – The HOA dropped the 7 color rule  – Mr_Blackinson


I am driving to work a few months ago and getting close, I have two turns remaining until I turn into the building. It is just a few blocks away. All side streets, no highways involved. This guy behind me is in a black bmw, and he is on my ass the whole time. I see him checking his phone, then making angry faces at me and getting closer and closer. I speed up a bit, thinking it might calm him down. 5 over, nope. Anyway, I make the first turn, and am now on the street where my building is, maybe 600 yards up ahead. The asshole is still behind me, driving inches from behind me and obviously pissed that I am still going the speed limit, (maybe 35 on this street). So I speed up a bit and see he does the same.

I drive an eight year old Toyota truck, not one of the big huge ones, but not one of the small ones. I do have all terrain tires, and I have certainly driven through pastures, over rocks, popped a curb or 10 in my time. My suspension is in good shape and have no problem treating my decade old truck like a truck.

Well as I get closer to my building there is a large speed bump in the street, effectively to get people to slow down as they approach the parking garage entrances. I look back and see asshole still riding my bumper. I remember thinking to myself I need to slow down for this speed bump, and looking back and thinking, if I hit my brakes, this guy is going to hit me.. The plan takes shape in my mind and I speed up..

I am doing about 45 when I hit that speed bump, and yeehaw.. I did a bit of a jump and land, never once touching my brakes. Didn’t even tap them. I gave him zero warning for what was about to happen.

I am watching my rear-view window intensely during this because I wanted to see his reaction. He was cradling his cell phone between his ear and shoulder when he hit. His hood bucked up behind me, then slams to the ground. I see him go flying out of his seat straight up. He slams his head on the roof of his bmw and his head rolls sideways from impact. Then he slams back into his seat violently. He has a total “wtf was that” look on his face as he grabs the wheel with both hands to recover.

… and yes, he slowed right the f*ck down after that. -projectself

Next story is about:
 21 Of The Pettiest People On The Entire Planetpetty

Click on the image to read the next story.




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