Here you can find useful videos we found on internet about how to make different hairstyles at home.
HowTo Videos BRAIDS
HowTo Videos – every day homemade Hairstyles
HowTo Videos- Styling hair Using Hair Stylers
HowTo Videos – Hair Extensions
Here you can find tips and tricks to keep your hair looking good.
- Tips and tricks to keep oily hair look fresh
- Grown roots
- How to groom curly hair
- Fast and easy hairdos
Tips and tricks to keep your oily hair fresh
– Do masks for oily scalp.
– Wash your combs often.
– Change your pillowcase often. Oil from scalp that is left on the pillow after you slept with greasy hair will come to the clean hair.
– It is recommended not to use a hair dryer if you have oily scalp. If it is necessary to use it, then use low temperatures and try not to direct the hot air flow directly to skin.
– Wash your head as often as it is needed, don’t walk around with greasy hair just because it is believed to be unhealthy to shampoo often.
– Right shampoo will help you to shampoo your hair less often. Try new shampoos for oily scalp till you find the one that will suit you. Check out 10 best shampoos for oily hair.
– Short cut is more convenient if you have oily scalp because it is easier to shampoo and dry hair. But long hair has its advantages too – you can make a pony tail on a bad hair day (if you have fringe you can wash just it), you can make braids or buns that are hot now. Also to hide greasy roots you can use hair bands. Try all of it and find the way that will suit you.
– Try using a dry shampoo, but it is better to find good quality dry shampoo, because most of the products on this market make greasy hair even more greasy after use. Check out 10 best dry shampoos.
– If it is impossible to shampoo, for instance if you are traveling, then just before the trip do a mask on your hair that prevents scalp from producing oil. During the trip try using this composition for washing hair – mix 1 part of shampoo and 4 parts of water. Put the composition to the bottle with spray, it is important that spray makes really tiny drops. Use the spray on hair or roots (if you have long hair) and dry it with towel or napkins.
– Coloring hair and chemical waving dry scalp, so this procedures are recommended to girls with oily scalp. If your roots grew noticeably and you need to camouflage them try using eye shadow with matching color. This trick will help you to fix hair for short period of time.
Overgrown roots.
If your roots are abit grown and it is noticeable try using eye shadow to camouflage them.
This trick will help you to make roots look ok for a short period of time.
How to make more body to your hair.
Shampoo your hair, wrap it in towel so that extra water will soak. Then start drying. Vail you head down and dry it in this position till hair will be nearly almost dry. Then we will need two brushes – big round brush and vent brush. Some big round brushes have metalic base – such brushes get hot from hair dryer and style your hair faster. Using vent brush put your hair parts up near the roots and dry. Then separate hair into two parts – lower and upper layers. Twist the upper layer and fix it with bobby pin. Dry every hair lock on the lower layer like this – twist lock around round brush and blow dry it, then twist it again in another direction and again blow dry. Blow dry every lock near the roots and whole lenght. Redirecting hair helps get more body. Then let the upper layer down and blow dry it the same way. This technique will help you gain more hair body near the roots and on the whole lenght.
While blowdrying dont forget to direct the air from roots to ends so that hair scales will be in correct direction and hair will reflect light.