What to do if you want to refresh your look without dramatic changes? The best idea could be refreshing your hair colour within your type group – Blond, Brunette or Red. Each of this main hair colours have many shades and nuances. In this post we will discuss how to upgrade your look by changing shades and nuances of hair colour.
Even if natural blondie will quit wearing red dresses and overcome period of pink make up, her complexion will stay pale with pink blush. Cold ash grey hair color shade will help compensate this dollish feature – but not too intensive (bright ash grey will make features look heavier). If you are tanned, then problem solved – goldish-caramel and honey shades will be perfect for you. In both cases you will archive the best result with balayage techniques that dye hair ends in different shades of one tone.
For Reese Witherspoon
The best hair shade brunettes had in childhood – show the colorist your childhood picture. With aging hair color becomes darker and loses shine, but you can change it. If your complexion looks tired, first try to brighten your existent color on one-two shades of your tone. Variant without coloring – ones a month a procedure for hair shine – brazilian blow dry or hair lamination – it smooths spongy hair and they start reflecting light and brighten your complexion.
For Eva Mendes
Reddish-brownish copper variations combines perfectly with yellowish color complexion. Do not experiment with warmth of the shade – goldish copper will make you look ill. If your complexion needs a little bit blush, choose cold red tones. Aggressive washing components in shampoos wash out the color – red pigment goes faster that others. To keep it, use toning shampoos and dry shampoos by turns. By the way dry shampoo is very trendy, leading labels remembered 1950s and started developing formulas of this surprisingly useful product.
For Julianne Moore