DIY – Do you want to build a Squirtle?

GnomesticGoddess says: I had a ton of requests for a DIY for this costume, if had known there would be so much interest I would have taken more pics of the process! This is the first handmade costume I have ever made, I had no pattern, and I don't really know how to use a sewing machine so I just used a little sewing kit. If anyone has questions or if I can better explain anything, just let me know. Thanks for looking and I hope lots of people make this! :)


Unless you are lucky enough to find a stuffed turtle shell with the white edging, this has to be added. I cut a strip a little longer than the outside of the shell and about 2.5″ wide out of an old t-shirt. Sew along the edge to make a long tube, then turn inside out so the seam is on the inside. Stuff with Poly-Fil then sew to the underside of the shell, leaving the open ends at the base to leave room for the tail. Then sew the tail at the base of the shell and join the white border over the tail and sew up any holes. I used a sew-on snap at the top of the tail to attach it to the shell so it would stay up.

DIY – Do You Want To Build A Squirtle?

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