DIY – Do you want to build a Squirtle?

GnomesticGoddess says: I had a ton of requests for a DIY for this costume, if had known there would be so much interest I would have taken more pics of the process! This is the first handmade costume I have ever made, I had no pattern, and I don't really know how to use a sewing machine so I just used a little sewing kit. If anyone has questions or if I can better explain anything, just let me know. Thanks for looking and I hope lots of people make this! :)

The Tail

I used an old onsie for this part, but any similar cotton fabric will do. I didn’t have a pattern so I just used this basic shape and hoped for the best! Sew along the outer edge, leaving a hole at the base of the tail, turn inside out and stuff with Poly-Fil.

DIY – Do You Want To Build A Squirtle?

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