“There was a guy in my office who was highly suspected of eating from people’s lunches, and one day I caught him eating my sandwich. There was a Justin Bieber concert in our city a few days away and another one fairly close by a few nights later. I took out multiple ads from my phone in several cities online, saying I had two tickets to give away at cost. I put in his company email address and the work number as the contact info, and said to call in and ask for ‘Scotty Too Hotty’ with your best Justin Bieber fan story to get the tickets.
“Almost immediately the company phones started lighting up with teenage girls, or their mothers and fathers, calling in for ‘Scotty Too Hotty’. We must have had like 100 calls in the first hour alone. I could hear him telling people, ‘I don’t have ANY tickets to ANY show!’, and absolutely freaking out on every caller. Soon the manager called him into his office because of all the calls.
“Never fuck with a man’s sandwich.” – CruelHandLuke7