21 Of The Pettiest Things People Have Ever Done

16. The dream betrayal.

My friend once had a dream that I started dating her ex-boyfriend. She wouldn’t speak to me for a week afterwards. – camerons474a064b4

17. The unrequited love.

When I was in fourth grade, I remember I liked this boy but he didn’t like me, so when he was playing his Xbox and about to beat a level, I unplugged the console and he lost all the data. – amyk4e3c3c069

18. The High School Musical inspiration.

My boyfriend had been cheating on me and I couldn’t just break up with him like a normal person. So while I was out with my friends, I sent him a link to the music video for “I Gotta Go My Own Way” from High School Musical and then blocked him on everything. – shaynep445f89de7

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