How to Find Out Your Scalp Type

Check out this table…

Scalp type Normal Oily Dry Combination (oily roots and dry ends)
How often do you have to shampoo? Once in two-three days Every day Once in six-seven days Once in three-four days
Hair roots condition Just after shampooing –normal, on the end of third day – oily Just after shampooing – normal, in the same day evening – oily Just after shampooing – dry, on the third-forth day normal and on the end of seventh day – oily Just after washing –normal and oily on the second-third day
Hair end condition Normal or dry, sometimes split ends No split ends Dry, fragile, split ends Dry, split ends
Hair gloss (also depends on shampoo) Just after shampooing – clean gloss, on the end of second-third day – greasy gloss Just after shampooing – clean gloss, in the middle of first day – greasy gloss Just after shampooing gloss is not good enough, then totally disappears Just after shampooing gloss near the roots is good, ends are not glossy enough. After three-four days greasy gloss on the roots and no gloss on the ends.
Hair electrification Very rare Nearly never Very often Most often ends
Pomp Close to satisfactory Just after shampoo not bad, then hair stick together Too big pomp, hair nearly fly Pomp is ok on the roots, ends fly
How do hair hold styling (without styling products) Hair hold styling well (if hair is not too thick) Hair takes styling well but hold it short time Hair takes styling poorly If styling involves roots, hairdo can hold for some time
Caring principles Taking care of normal scalp Taking care of oily scalp Taking care of dry scalp Taking care of combination hair


When scalp type definition you should consider that our body constantly changes and hair and scalp condition changes too.  Scalp condition depends on environment, diet, and life style.  In big cities with polluted environment hair gets greasy more often because of dust, car emissions etc. Hair gets greasy more often if you eat oily, sweet and spicy food because oily gland doesn’t have any difficulties with oil resources. Spicy food causes fast sweat emission  on the skin where it mixes with dust , fug and scalp oil.

People who do sports have to shampoo more often because scalp gets dirty from sweat. In winter times hair can get dirty more often because of sweating under winter hats.  After vacation on the sea side if you didn’t protect hair from sun damage it will most probably look dry and lifeless,  sun bleached.

To find out your scalp and hair type, observe you hair in normal conditions one or two weeks. Also when discovering your scalp and hair type you should  take other hair categories into consideration – hair can be thin and thick, straight and wavy. To get more information aboutcheck above.

Hair types and forms.

There are three types of hair – vellus hair (peach fuzz), bristle hair and long hair. We have vellus hair on our hands, legs and body. Vellus hair are soft and short (about 1.5 cm), have no pigment and have no medulla.  Bristle hair are eye brows, eye lashes and nose hair. These hair are hard, have pigments but not long.  Bristle hair start growing on face when people get older, mainly on men.  Long hair are hair that grows on head, beards, chest, underarms and genitals.  Long hair on head start growing starting from two-three years and till puberty they obtain final appearance.  During puberty genital and underarm hair also change – they become more thick and curly. Usually hair allocation depends on sex, age and ethnicity.

Hair form depends on several factors. First it depends on position of follicle, then on composition of keratin inside of hair body and on your individual features. Hair form depends on root form. There are three kinds of hair form: smooth or straight (1-3), wavy (4-6), curly (7-9) – the last type is typical for black race.  Smooth hair type subdivides on plain waved, tight and smooth. Wavy type subdivides on wide waved, narrow waved, swirly. Curly type subdivides on curly, light curly, strong curly, light twirly, strong twirly. If you cut hair crosswise and look at it thought microscope, smooth hair will look like round, wavy – oval and curly – oblate oval.






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