Sexual harassment is in the spotlight at the moment, with women all over the world finding the courage to stand up for themselves and speak out against something that has been tolerated for way too long.
With high profile movements such as the #metoo campaign, as well as a raft of high profile people now being named and shamed for past inappropriate behaviours, there has never been more moral support for women who feel violated to fight back. And now, thanks to this woman’s story shared on Reddit, there is a new weapon against unwanted advances: revenge farts.
“It was MY way of using my ass as a weapon. A weapon against him,” she explained about the incident, which occurred soon after her colleague, Ted, had ‘accidently’ groped her. “I think more women should just do it. Who cares if it’s not feminine? It’s not gentlemanly but accepted to be groped. Why not have men fear the ass?”
Scroll down below to see how the episode unfolded. Is this an acceptable or effective way to deal with a creep who won’t stop inappropriately touching female colleagues? (special thanks to James @BoredPanda)

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